NSW SES Volunteers Association Store

The Volunteer Magazine - Opportunity to feature in our June edition

by NSW SESVA | May 3, 2023
The Volunteer Magazine - Opportunity to feature in our June edition
We love to promote the great work and achievements of our fellow volunteers and encourage your input in our quarterly Magazine - The Volunteer.

To have your unit featured in the June 2023 Edition, please send content to editor@nswsesva.org.au 
by the 18th May 2023 


Share your knowledge & experiences with others - let us know about the training exercises, operational events & community activities you have been involved in or shout out a great Volunteer or award recipient so we can acknowledge their achievements!

We would love to see your WOW Day celebrations & also include the images in our June edition - so send them in before COB on the 18th.

Please note, we are happy to assist with editing if you need hand - if you have any questions please contact the office so we can assist.

The Magazine is sent out to all SES units, Government bodies, VIPS and a personal copy sent to everyone who contributes content (aswell as uploaded online for the public to view).

Thankyou to those that have already submitted content.